Mediation is integral to the divorce process, whether the case is contested from the start or if
there are agreements early on in the process. Parties getting divorced may choose to use a
mediator that represents both parties in the beginning of the case. The role of the mediating
attorney is to explain to the parties the likely outcome if they were to go to court, and to assist
the parties in reaching agreements regarding the division of assets and debts, the character of
property, valuations attributable to property to be divided, and child custody and visitation
issues. The parties will often have to resolve issues pertaining to spousal and child support as
Other times, the case may start as contested, that is to say that there are no real agreements
regarding any issues in the beginning of the case. The goal for the divorce attorneys at Evans
Law is to work in a proactive way with the opposing party, whether they’re representing
themselves or working with an attorney, to narrow the issues for resolution by the Court. This
sort of mediation is built into our court systems as parties are required to meet and confer before
any hearing. The purpose of this is to narrow the issues, to reach agreements and to perhaps
settle the issues without the Court’s intervention. Amazingly, many cases that are very contested
early on settle on many important issues without going to trial. One reason for this is that the
Court facilitates the settlement of cases with the various sorts of settlement conferences that the
parties are required to participate in.
Some divorce cases amount to just working through the parties wish lists and creating a Marital
Settlement Agreement from the points of agreement and mediating or working with the parties
on the points of disagreement. This sort of divorce is an uncontested dissolution, that is to say,
the process of working out the settlement is out of court and informal.
Other times, the parties may choose to mediate their divorce with a private judge. Depending on
the extent of the issues that need to be resolved, the private judge may choose to work on the
issues from pleadings or from private and confidential meetings. This sort of divorce has
attorneys representing each party which is different from the mediated divorce with a single
mediating attorney.
The other form of mediation is for child custody. Child custody mediation is available through
most court’s family court services that support the courts. For many cases with minor children,
the process may be mandatory to the parties before being able to move their contested child
custody issues to the next level of court intervention.
Whether your case has the possibility for a mediated resolution from the start or requires court
intervention in order to bring a sense of reasonableness to the parties, our family law, child
custody and divorce attorneys work hand in hand with the courts in obtaining the sought after
outcomes for our clients in Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, Monterey County and
Sacramento and surrounding counties. Call the office today to set up a free consultation.